Saturday, May 30, 2015're starting a blog? Ozy's History, and other little "interesting" things

‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despai-
*cough cough* Oh Sorry - * cough cough* i got some Bysshe Shelley Stuck in my throat, give me a second. . .
Hello, I am Ozy, or jeff, and i- truly am addicted to the wonderful game that is, "Eve Online". As many, many others are, i'm so addicted that i, over my brief vacation across the U.S, created a blog, to record my adventures! So, Now that we got the introduction out of the way, I'll speak "alittle" about myself.
First of all, when i first started Eve back in April, i was NOT expecting to get into it so much. I was honestly just testing my mac, which i had previously installed the windows 10 tech demo onto, to see if i could run other games, to test my computer, i wanted to revisit Eve, why? half the reason is, when i was 10 or 13 or some age, i tried eve online, and loved it, i couldn't keep playing it, my little kid self loved it, because SPACE, and moving through said space. . . in a Spaceship (See where this is going?)
The Other half is because, well i was interested in seeing if it lived up to my 19(now 20 as of may) year old self. Annnnnnnnnd at first, it didn't really, because like every eve noob, i felt jaded by the beginning tutorial reading buzz kill. I Didn't really know what to do, and honestly felt by the end of the first day of playing, i wasn't going to do it again, but i tried playing it again, as my child was napping, i started a my keyboard.
What got me into the game, partly, was talking, talking to other players that is, meeting people and getting excited over playing with said people, and the more i played the more i saw the beauty and fun of eve, and i was hooked.
I met some people, in 'roid belts, i met some aussies, mined with them, met My soon to be Co-Ceo, Leaeril Stormrunner, i met a guy in a barge gave me the courage to jump farther than 5 systems which led me to Tar. And many others. So people is where eve got me.
The Other thing was, being my own CEO, i wanted to create a successful, strong corp, i made the corp, then closed join the aussie corp because i was way still over my head being on a Trial Account ( i still am). So the Aussie corp was with the same Aussies who, all were noobs too, yet they were not on as much, and only their CEO was actually into the game. Stormrunner joined, our corps plan was to set up a pos for moon mining, but that fell through as soon as it was deemed unprofitable at our age and lack of other people actually being active. So, quickly to end this babbling, my current CEO is thinking of joining a active aussie corp- Last time i checked- and this was what is making me want to create the corp i created before with Stormrunner. 
Back to my first story, i am on my trial and at the time, didn't have the funds to keep playing am saving up. So, i googled, in hope of PLEXing, my account (again, lots of noobs hoping for it) and boy was i trying my best to finding how to plex, first i was constantly mining and calculating the manhours i'd need to get plex, which was unviable, i went to Jita to try my hand and Station Hub trading, i tried trade hub vs hub trading, i talked to other players, telling me of some good ways, like incursions and things way out of my league. It seemed unlikely....
Then....i Learned about Wormhole Gas Harvesting- at Jita, learned i could get enough isk for PLEX in a week, at the time i only had 23 days left till the end of my trial, so i began training and began research, i found plenty of sources, the best i encountered was, A Blog Called Deep in EVE, The blogger, Von Keigai , has excellent guides, on gas huffing, and Wormhole Space itself. He is the Reason i am still playing, in terms of my account. His Blog is a awesome read, check it out, you'll learn some things
 Now, let me tell you, being a noob in Wormspace, by myself was interesting, i huffed gas and made alooooooot of isk for myself, though at time, My methods of finding Unoccupied Wormholes, were not the best, and led me to be taken out, and podded aplenty. My Trusty Venture, is Currently Named " 16 Times The Charm". 
You Can See how being a noob in Wormspace could be dangerous.
Now, after much, frustration and hard headedness, I PLEXed, 2 months so far, and it's been fun, i am almost 3 months and a master of Ninja Gas Harvesting, (when i get home, My first Flight in a Prospect will occur, i'm excited for that) 
So now, i train towards a stealth bomber, and towards running my own corp, as soon as i get back home.
So there we have it, everything i can think of at this current moment, so until next time
Ozyman Out.